It all begins with an idea.
Lose yourself to the wide world of fiction. These authors live, breathe, and inspire with their stories of romance, suspense, hope, and so much more. Click on an author and learn more about them and their books.
The story can make all the difference.

Linda Ballou

Sarah Barnes

Sarah Welk Baynum

Laurie Berglie

Candace Carrabus

Angela Dorsey

Rennie Dyball

MJ Evans

Ann Feifel

Jessie Haas

Michelle Holland

Ann Hunter

Brittany Joy
Carly Kade

Anita Kess

Piper Klemm

Kate Lattey

Dawn LeFevre

Kerri Lukasavitz

Helena Mansén

Laura Hesse

Precious McKenzie

Valerie Ormond

Miranda Prather

Rae Rankin
Tudor Robins

Jenny Roman

Jan Ruth

Isla Ryder

Maureen Shelleau
Jemma Spark

Linda Shantz

Hilary Walker

Heather Wallace

Eileen Watkins

Janet Winters