Heather Wallace
Heather Wallace writes about confidence, overcoming self-doubt and following her passion. She is the award-winning author of non-fiction titles Confessions of a Timid Rider, which details her insights about being an anxiety-ridden but passionate horse lover and Girl Forward: A Tale of One Woman's Unlikely Adventure in Mongolia.
Heather is well known for her blog, The Timid Rider, chronicling her journey as a returning adult equestrian with a lot more curves and a lot more determination. In 2020, she created The Bookstore for Horse Lovers, a website dedicated to featured equine authors across genres, both traditionally and independently-published.
By day, Heather is a Certified Equine and Canine Sports Massage Therapist dedicated to helping animals holistically. In her spare time, of which she has little, she spends her time with her husband, three children, two dogs, and pony in the wilds of New Jersey.
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